Complete Fire Safety Tasmania's Fire Safety Training Professionals Fire Safety Assessment Identify, Prevent and Report Potential Workplace Emergency Situations PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION DETAILS ALL QUESTIONS WITH AN ASTERISK MUST BE ANSWERED BEFORE THE FORM CAN BE SUBMITTED Course Name: FIRE SAFETY (Identify, Prevent and Report Potential Workplace Emergency Situations) Code: CFS/FS/EL First Name*Last Name*Date of Birth Employer*Division/Area/Location:*Email Address* Please ensure the section below is completed.I authorise the release of my training results to my employer.*YesNo(Please consult with your Course Assessor)Participant signature:Please upload your scan copy of signCommencement Date:* Completion Date:* FIRE SAFETY ASSESSMENTQ1. List 3 methods of fire prevention.*Method 1*Method 2*Method 3* Q2. If an extinguisher has the following pictographs on it what type of fire can it be used on?*Pictograph 1. Pictograph 2Pictograph 3Q3. What type of fires can the following 5 pieces of equipment be used on? Requires 5 answers.*Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher*Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher*Wet Chemical Extinguisher*Water Extinguisher/Hose Reel*Fire Blanket* Q4. What are the colours of the following 5 pieces of equipment? Requires 5 answers.*Dry Chemical Powder Extinguisher*Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher*Wet Chemical Extinguisher*Water Extinguisher/Hose Reel*Fire Blanket* Q5. There are 3 faults with this extinguisher, What are they?* Fault 1Fault 2Fault 3 Q6. What do these 3 faults indicate?*Q7. Fire Extinguisher Safety. What do the letters P-A-S-S mean?*PASS. Q8. What are the 3 elements a fire must have? (Fire Triangle)*Element 1Element 2Element 3 Q9. You need to be SAFE in the event of fire, What does S-A-F-E mean?*SAFE